Friday, November 9, 2012


Gosh y'all, I haven't blogged lately. I've been busy. For starters I launched my new business, Driver Marketing. We (and I mean just me) specialize in copywriting and providing affordable marketing solutions for small businesses. If you know anyone in need of these services, they can reach me at

Second, I am just soaking up the joy of raising Jack and Grace. If you only know me from this blog then you may think I hate motherhood and just whine about its challenges. But if you actually know me then you understand that I am just keeping it real while blogging. But that I LOVE motherhood. These babies are my world and I adore them. I love that it is 9:31 on a Friday morning and Grace is sitting at my feet building a lego tower in her footie pajamas. And Jack is hopping around the living room asking me to do to flips with him. I just told him that I was going to write something on the computer while I let my back rest a minute (I just did kid flipping for half and hour and I need to catch my breath).

Things to come...hopefully finding a way to get paid to write; working on a new blog that I will post the link to once I am ready to launch; making my new business a success so that I don't have to go back to the corporate world when Grace starts school; and living life to the fullest with my sweet family.

Here are a few beautiful family photos thanks to Christian's stepdad Chip. He is awesome y'all!

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