Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gifts of Joy - Week 1

Last spring I read Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts. I wrote about its personal impact on my life here. To summarize, her book explains the benefits of living a life of gratitude. The primary benefit being overwhelming joy. Her theory isn't about just counting our nice homes and cars and stuff. She counts the simple moments in our days that when we take a moment to stop and appreciate them, lead to a joyful heart.

In my attempt to count my blessings and think about the abundance of joy I experience daily, I plan to share a post each week about my joyful moments. 

1. Silly moments with this sweet girl

2. New art supplies strewn on the hallway floor

3. Homemade chocolate zucchini bread with zucchini grown in our garden  

4. Playing trucks in the dirt with this cool dude

5. The simple pleasure watching a garbage truck brings to my children (plus lunch on the porch on a summer day)

6. A weekend mountain getaway without television

7. Watching Spiderman work on his superhero training

8. This man who loves our children and teaches them you never get too old to play

9. A tough little sister who doesn't want to be left out of the boys' fun

10. Walking through life with these three


  1. Finally read it! Obviously so full of truth ---had a great interaction with Rilynn today that I plan to share on my blog soon:)
